Homecoming 2024
On Saturday, January 13th, Oakland City hosted the inaugural homecoming ceremony. The court was made up of students who were nominated by coaches, faculty and staff. These students were nominated based off being a well-rounded individual who makes the campus a brighter place.
The women that were nominated: Abby Mathany, Hannah Wissel, Jolea Kennedy, Marta Fernandez, and Mirella Ramos. The men that were nominated: Josiah Wright, Mark Franklin, Ronald Kiprono, Hunter Johnson, and Chase Christie.
After being voted on by the student body, the man and woman nominated for Mr. and Miss. OCU was Chase Christie and Abby Mathany. Chase is a sophomore from Wadesville, IN and is member of the baseball team and Abby is a senior from Columbia, MO and is member of the soccer team.. It was a great event, and we hope to see everyone again next year!