December 2024 Employee of the Month – Nicole Sharp
Nicole Sharp, Financial Aid Director, has been selected at the December Employee of the month at Oakland City University. As of December, Nicole is approaching her 20th year of service to OCU.
Nicole has held several positions while at OCU.
- January 2005 – School of Adult and Extended Learning: Administrative Assistant to the Business Coordinator
- February 2006 - Academic Affairs: Administrative Assistant to Academic Affairs
- September 2007 – School of Adult and Extended Learning: Administrative Assistant to the Dean
- November 2012 – Business Office: Accounts Payable Clerk
- February 2016 – Financial Aid: Director of Financial Aid
Nominee comments said about Nicole:
Nicole has been seen working over long weekends and working many late nights. She is cheerful about it! Saying that she just wants to be there for the students in case they need something when it comes to financial aid. She has a smile and a kind word for everyone. Her love for this university, and for the students, is above and beyond. She is a truly dedicated employee. She is dedicated to customer service and wants her employees to answer phones in a timely manner and greets every person that comes through the door in a friendly and professional manner. She volunteers for service projects and encourages others to do the same. She is always pro OCU and genuinely loves the school.