Reflection on the Alumni Luncheon

2023 Alumni Luncheon

For 30 years, I have received invitations to the annual Alumni Luncheon at Oakland City, yet I never attended—busy summer plans and the unknown of attending topped my list of reasons not to go.   Now, after putting the Luncheon on my July calendar, I realize what I have been missing for the past three decades. …

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Alumni Board Needs Your Help

Alumni Table at Organization Day

As Oakland City University students are back on campus to begin the fall semester, excitement is building. Individuals can see changes to campus, and they may also hear rumblings of changes. Anticipation is building for the inaugural season of the new football team. The need for an unforgettable game day experience is paramount. The game…

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Alum Makes Another Generous Gift to OCU

President Dempsey, Don Wilder, Mary Ann Wilder, T-Ray Fletcher at Tennis Court Groundbreaking Ceremony

Their generosity knows no bounds.  In September of 2022, Dr. Donald, class of 1963, and Mary Ann Wilder made an unprecedented donation to the OCU Tennis program.  Their gift drives the construction of the new Tennis Center on the OCU campus.    President Dempsey, Don Wilder, Mary Ann Wilder, T-Ray Fletcher at Tennis Court Groundbreaking…

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Oakland City College and Me – Fifty Years Ago

Carl and Randy

Fifty-year anniversaries of important events in our lives tend to stand out, perhaps because there are still fellow survivors left to share the memories with. This late spring, I celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of my graduation from Oakland City College. To understand the importance of this occasion for me, one must look back at my…

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